Thursday, August 14, 2008

NANA 911

It seems that when I got the tickets to the Sheryl Crow/James Blunt concert for DeAnn, the radio station neglected to tell me that the desk was closed up for lunch from 12 to 1. Things that make you go hmmmm.

So, I am hanging out in the 100 degree heat (okay, it was only 98) and I WAS in the shade of the building, and my phone starts humming "WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHING" so I knew it was Houston calling.

Dawn told me that Reece needed to talk to me. This is all I heard "He is ripped and I can't sleep with him" "Can you fix him, Nana?" Well I thought that Blanket was the victim, as he has already undergone several surgeries. But, alas, it was Patches the dog that needs repair. I assured Reece that Nana could fix Patches when they come up next week or when I go down there the following weekend. Then Dawn said that she can sew, why was it that Reece needed Nana to do the repair work?

And my mind went back to the days of Bluie, and how thin and frail Bluie was getting in his old age, and how Grandma (my mom) was the repair/surgeon to to the fixing.....I can sew!

I see it is another family tradition!

So next weekend I will be repairing Patches the dog, perhaps a vest with his name or monogram on it?

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